Monday, March 11, 2013

Thanks as a Military Mom and Spouse

As a military mom and spouse I wanted to Thanks all the card makers who donate cards to different organizations around the country that send blank cards to our Troops!!!!!!!!!

My 15 yr-old got a birthday card from his Dad today and after he carefully read every word bringing a tear to my eyes, after reading it he flipped the card over (yup he's a crafter's kid lol).  He looked at me and said "you didn't make this."; knowing my initials weren't on the back. He flipped back to the front and said "did you mail Dad stuff and HE made me a card???"  Mind you my husband is deployed, and not exactly somewhere which provides a crafting area lol, yet this child was serious!

When I explained to him that people hand make the cards and send them overseas for Troops to send their families.  He was very, very impressed stating "that is SO COOL they would spend the time do that".  Anyone that's familiar with teenage boys, knows that SO COOL is the ultimate compliment.

So I wanted to send out my own thank you to card makers everywhere, THANK YOU!


  1. Love your story, thanks for sharing! I have a teen girl and I know "SO COOL" is great.

  2. Thanks Shirley! It was important to me to let everyone out there to know that real people do get those cards in care packages and they appreciate them very much.


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