Friday, November 30, 2018

Christmas cards - check

Sorry everyone that I haven't posted more lately, just getting the feeling back in my fingers...I just finished my Holiday Cards 95 to date! That's a lot of hand making, stamping, signing, addressing, folding of the newsletters, stuffing them, and stamping. SOMEONE ELSE is licking them shut because at each and every step I had people say do you want help as they continued to walk right out of the room so they couldn't hear me shout YES! By about 70 I was thinking do I know this person, do I really like that family lol! Those of you wondering where the big number comes from, I do our cards and my Mom' when you come from two giant families, then add in friends and "family"...we get to here! And this was the cut down list this year. I promise to post a photo of the card here in about a week, once they reach where they are off too.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Fund your Fun - with me sign up bonus!

Receive bonus CTMH Cash when you sign up as a new Consultant in November! Sign up for $75 and you’ll get your New Consultant Kit brimming with essential items PLUS $75 in CTMH Cash, which you can use to purchase additional creative supplies for your hobby AND your business!