Saturday, February 11, 2017

Valentine's projects via Cricut crazed Mom

Note to self;  Just because you have this brand new fancy Cricut air machine does NOT make you "suzie homemaker".  Remember that before you think it's a grand idea to make your THREE littlest children their Valentine's for school parties, which add up to over 90 cards each.  No problem right?!?!  Except I let them each pick super CUTE layered cards thinking how easy they'd be to make, which they are!  Never thinking about how much paper it would take to MASS PRODUCE and how much time!  Ughhhh.  I wonder if this is what Martha Stewart spent her days worrying about!

I will try and upload photos but you may have to view them on my Instagram or Facebook.  FYI, I have been blogging to you but Blogger keeps crashing from my phone when I try to attach images.  So that's why the posts have been so rare.  Sorry!

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